Invited Speakers Lecturers Scientific Programme Participants Conference Timetable Key Dates Registration Fees Committees Social Programme Accomodation Portugal | Lisbon | Tomar Travel Useful Links Previous Workshops Poster Book of Abstracts


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»» Registration for online sesions are now open. 

The conference will be held in Tomar, Portugal, from 27 to 29 October 2021, in a hybrid format, featuring both presential and online sessions.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers sharing an interest in a variety of aspects of matrix analysis and its applications, special emphasis being given to applications in other areas of Science. One of the main goals is to highlight recent achievements in the mathematical domain. The program will cover different aspects of matrix and operator theory, with emphasis on:

   - recent developments in matrix and operator theory,
   - inverse spectral problems,
   - matrices and graphs,
   - applications of linear algebra tools in statistics,
   - matrix models in industry and sciences,
   - linear systems and control theory,
   - combinatorial matrix theory.

Researchers and graduate students interested in matrix and operator theory, statistical models and computation are particularly encouraged to attend the conference. The conference will provide a friendly atmosphere for the discussion and exchange of ideas, which hopefully will lead to new scientific links among participants.

The format of the meeting will involve plenary sessions and sessions with contributed talks. The list of Invited Speakers include winners of Young Scientists Awards of MatTriad'2019 promoted by the conference.

The work of young scientists will receive a special consideration in the MatTriad'2021. The best poster as well as the best talk of graduate students or scientists with recently completed Ph.D. will be awarded. Prize-winning works will be widely publicized and promoted by the conference.